Thursday, 30 June 2016

Take Me to Your Leader

Fruit of the Day : Take me to your Leader : An Apple and three peaches reenacting a scene from some film they have seen...Peaches a new fruit on the block..nice to paint but being 'fluffy' the high- lights are hard to find…I like the orange against the blue....yummy.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Lavender Wood

Painting of the Day : Lavender Wood : Again this is one of my students choice of subject and my painting along with her to help as we go along…painting lavender is intriguing it never is just one light against dark purples and blues and then in the sunlight the reverse os this now we have darks again light...then the light changes....again...

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Pear Pedestal

Fruit of the Day : Pear pedestal : Let's hear it for the pears...put them on pedestals...three cheers for the pears...a wonderful fruit....I like them when they are too ripe and the only place to eat them safely is in the mangoes....a shower they should be on a had to be that way …I only had a 8x6 board a pedestal it had to be....

Monday, 27 June 2016

The Pedestal

Fruit of the Day : The Pedestal : The pedestal in question is actually a candle holder but is so chunky it makes a good pedestal for fruit. I like the colour of this setting and the apple was 'pedestal' shaped so I just had to put the two together ...

Sunday, 26 June 2016

We Stand Alone

Thought of the Day : We Stand Alone : Well we've down it now…out on our feels scary but we'll get used to it ...and in the end it will work out fine...there will be problems and a lot of sorting out to get through...but in the long term we will be glad we did it....for the future kittens

Friday, 24 June 2016

Jug Ugly

Fruit of the Day : Jug Ugly : Here is that ugly jug again..I will keep painting it until I get a really good painting out of it. There must be a way...there are aspects of it that are really interesting but some that are not..I like the brown of the jug and the lilac background.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Guava Bombing

Fruit of the Day : Guava Bombing : I completed this painting of an apple and a pear but there didn't seem to be enough 'green' so I thought about it and this guava seemed to appear uninvited… it was in a dish just out of my eye I must have added it with out thinking..but it was as if it was 'bombing' my painting of the apple and pear......strange...

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Blue and Red

Fruit of the Day : Blue and Red : This is one of those paintings that gives you trouble all day....they never go right…I started this one as a long distant bottle and candle holder ( for that is what it is..)...but didn't work changed it to a close-up of the two ..still didn't work..added an looked ok so I signed it and put it it is screaming at me to move the apple 1.5 inches to the right.....ho hum....

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

The Red Cow

The Red Cow has just come back from an exhibition it has a very blue frame which makes it very bright…just the job to brighten up someones home. Red cow were a theme of mine at one time I just couldn't paint them any other colour..cow are red….and that is that…..but when you look at cows in the fields they are brown….so what is going on?

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Follow Me

Fruit of the Day : Follow Me : This jug appeared in the studio and I don't know where it came one will admit to doing looked interesting so I included it this still was only then that I realised how out of proportion the handle really is that thick...I struggled on....I'll try it again….

Saturday, 18 June 2016

The Three Musketeers

Fruit of the Day : The Three Musketeers : Here they are the three musketeers and of course. D'Artagnan the odd one out...getting the reds right was a challenge but satisfying to get right…This is fun..painting.....why do anything else?

Friday, 17 June 2016

Three Pears

Fruit of the Day : Three Pears : All pears this time….bit of a challenge ...getting the greens right was not easy ...but really looking...did the job...or rather looking and seeing...good enough to eat.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Apple and Pear

Pick of the Day : Apple and Pear : Thought I'd add a little contrast to this one using light against dark…and dark against light...sometimes it is difficult to get the right green to complement the red...hope it has worked here.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


Fruit of the Day : Pomegranate : A strange looking fruit and very good to paint….but hard to find one that has all it's 'crown'...the pinks and red of this fruit are fascinating to paint...try one.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Pear 1a

Pear of the Day : Pear 1a : Into pears today can't remember the name of this one…and very interesting to paint....there is a shelf halfway down this pair and with an over head light makes a useful halo before descending into the lower dark shadows and not missing the reflected light from the floor..

Monday, 13 June 2016

Blue Roof Farm

Landscape of the Day : Blue Roof Farm : This is another of my students subjects that I painted along with them…just keeping one step ahead...and any problems they had I could point out on my painting instead of using theirs...better for both of us...

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Cardinal in the Copse

Tweet of the Day : Cardinal in the Copse : This is a method I use with my students... I paint the same subject along with my them... trying to keep one step ahead and if I have any points to make I can make them on my painting rather than theirs....I have a habit of getting too involved with their work and have ended up by painting too much…sometimes changing my students now I paint my own paintings alongside my students...better for both of us.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Tomato Soup

Soup of the Day : Tomato Soup : Getting into this still life painting…it takes a while to get used to painting from life....but once you get the hang of gets easier doesn't it????

Friday, 10 June 2016


Soup of the Day : Soup : I have decided to give cats a rest for a bit…and have a go at some painting from some ways more satisfying the subject is before you all you have to do is create it in paint......what can possibly go wrong???????

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Family Time

Meow of the Day : Family Time : Life changes when you have a family…things will never be "back to normal " life was hectic before with all that midnight carousing and it will be hectic but in a completely different way....and much more fun.....there is nothing quiet like family life.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Worried Mum

Meow of the Day : Worried Mum : It's the kittens first day out...Mum is getting him used to the great outside...." Are you going to let go of him or hold him all day?" says Dad " I Don't want him to get how feet dirty" says Mum " You'll be glad to when he two years old..." "OK but just another five minutes …....."

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Worried Mum

Meow of the Day : Worried Mum : It's the kittens first day out...Mum is getting him used to the great outside...." Are you going to let go of him or hold him all day?" says Dad " I Don't want him to get how feet dirty" says Mum " You'll be glad to when he two years old..." "OK but just another five minutes …....."

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Apple 3

One a Day : Apple 3 : I painted this one for a demonstration …so it had to be quick before everyone fell asleep...and quite successful I think...hard to leave it and not add a few more strokes and fiddle about with it until ruined ( it has happened before ) but I have found that it is difficult to repeat...apparently only happens now and again.....part of the trying though ..

Saturday, 4 June 2016

To Be Safe

Meow of the Day : To be Safe : You never know when danger threatens it could around the next corner...a stranger lurking...waiting to pounce....better take this kitten to a safe place where it won't be hurt....lets run....quick keep running....they are after's a good place to!! This isn't my kitten !!

Friday, 3 June 2016


One a day : Satsuma 1 : This must be therapy…getting away from my obsession with apples...a way of calming down....but again I feel it happening...getting into the "landscape" of the satsuma...fascinating if walking over the is the light falling on it that is the fascination .

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


Meow of the Day : Playtime : Ah...nothing is so much fun as playing with your grandchildren...
( grand kittens ?) ...romping and chasing and generally having fun and trying to get them tired so they will sleep soundly tonight......some is you who will be put to bed well before them....ho hum...and remembering the joy of handing them back to their parents....

My Blue Chair

Meow of the Day : My Blue Chair : This is my chair ! my blue chair...don't even think of sitting in it....First thing I did when I chose this house was to then chose the best chair and this is it !. I sometimes let my human keep it warm for me while I'm out hunting..but they know as soon as I return it is mine....I'll say it again a little louder this time as I don't think my human has heard what I said…first get out of MY CHAIR!!